
Make or Zapier, which one to choose?

In an ecosystem as new as No-Code, it can seem difficult to distinguish between people who are newcomers and those who are almost veterans.


Want to know how to recognize an ancestor of No-Code πŸ™‚

He'll probably alternate between Make and Zapier when talking about his favorite automation tool.


Because after comparing IFTTT and Zapier in a previous No-Code Series article, it's now time to put Zapier and Integromat... er... Make face to face!


Make, the new darling of productivity aficionados No-Code

First of all, as mentioned in the introduction, Integromat and Make are in fact one and the same product.

Indeed, in February of this year, Integromat decided to change its name to Make. It was also the occasion to adopt a brand new visual identity, wanting to be more modern, to break with its image of a tool that is sometimes more technical than practical, especially in front of its direct competitor Zapier.



So don't be surprised if in your digital wanderings, you still sometimes find documentation referring to Integromat!


Beyond this name and logo change, new features and a new infrastructure were revealed.


A revised and simplified interface

First of all, the user interface is now more accessible and more ergonomic in order to make it easier for new users to get started, while maintaining the power so appreciated by the most expert users.

Thus, when you launch your scenario, you are able to consult its history in real time.



In an effort to make the initial learning process as intuitive as possible, Make provides users with a HUGE gallery of templates (5949 to be precise!)


These are ordered by category type so you can easily find what you're looking for - whether it's to fill a need for your CRM or to satisfy your favorite colleague in the marketing department.


Webhooks and APIs, the power of Make

Even if your personal Make space is now beautiful, full of colors and animations, if you use the tool, it is above all for the power that this platform offers you:


  • Webhooks: Something quite classic in the web world, webhooks, which will allow you to connect your various external applications, and this in an almost instantaneous manner. Make brings especially the management of parallelism in the execution of your scenarios.


  • APIs: "Last but not least", probably one of the favorite elements of the makers (Make...makers...not a bad play on words! ...no?), the platform opens the access to its API, which allows you to use any API by connecting it to your scenario! This way, you can let your imagination run wild to create the most complex and advanced automations according to your needs and desires.


Back to basics

Beyond the novelties brought by the change of name and platform mentioned above, if Make is one of the essential tools of the ecosystem No-Code, it is for several reasons:


  • Visualization: Simple but effective to create your scenarios you can simply drag and drop. Once your scenario is built you will be able to see it unfold live. I know a few people who can't get enough of seeing their scenarios in action before their eyes!


  • No limits: You start with an idea for your very first scenario, build it, add an extra step, then one idea leads to another... your scenario becomes more and more complex. This is good because Make allows you to add as many steps as you want, and the same goes for the applications used within your automation. Let yourself go!


A sentence on the Make homepage sums up this tool wonderfully: "Make allows you to build as if you were a developer, without the need for code expertise".


Finally, in addition to the main features mentioned above, you will be able to manipulate data within your scenarios, you will have a native error management in your scenarios, very useful for debugging!Β Β 


I could continue the list but it would end up being longer than my list for Santa!

Faced with this automation behemoth, what room is left for Zapier?Β 


What future for Zapier?

I admit it, it is not with this title that your author will be awarded the next Goncourt! But it seems to me legitimate to ask this question.

There is no need to go over the major components and other features of Zapier, we did it in our article contrasting Zapier to IFTTT. I invite you to refer to it.


ZapConnect - The Return of Zapier's Revenge?

A few weeks ago, the Zapier conference took place, and we can say that they announced a lot!



One of the first announcements is the ability to create drafts of your Zap, so you can make changes without uploading your automation.

Moreover, it will be possible to manage different versions of your automation, a kind of Git for your Zap.

You will be able to duplicate and reorder your Zap, useful but not revolutionary nevertheless.


Beyond these new features, Zapier's leaders have delivered their vision of the platform's evolution.


With the announced will to tackle the creation of applications, like Airtable or Webflow, by adding to their current toolbox automations, databases and user interface.


With these announcements, we can see that the big players of the No-Code tend to no longer stay in their respective square but they seek to become your destination of choice for your application!


The months and years to come will be exciting!